Boulevard is a straightforward and feature-rich WordPress magazine theme. With the built-in review system (with up to 5 rating criteria) and the 3 post formats (videos, music & galleries) Boulevard can be used …
SuperChanger is a Responsive WordPress Magazine Theme. The main advantage of this theme is fully customizable theme colors, with help theme options panel! Also, the content of the main page is a custom, and is …
Inspiration is a Responsive Wordpress Magazine Theme designed specifically for the Magazines, News sites and Blogs. It features a very clean and minimal design. …
80/20 is a simple, bold, news theme for WordPress. The design and layout is simple and subtle enough to be a fine fit whether you have a personal blog, a digital magazine, or a community news site. …
Discover is a premium WordPress theme with flat and modern design. It is created for the magazines, news and blogs sites but due to its superb flexibility, it allows you to create the websites for any other purpose. …
Braxton is the premier magazine theme that combines both form and function into one comprehensive Wordpress theme. This sleek, modern theme is retina-ready, fully-responsive and comes with four different ad units, …
The Magazine Theme features a clean and versatile design, offering maximum readability to your viewers. It features a fully responsive framework, making your content a pleasure to view on mobile devices including …
RoVeR is a feature-rich WordPress magazine theme. Great for magazine , review, news and blog sites, with integrated reviews, video, slideshows, galleries and ADS system in each post, page. RoVeR theme is highly …