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TravelSite is modern and stylish site template specially designer for travel agencies or travel affiliate for booking reservation of flights, hotels and holidays. If you are looking for travel oriented …

Welcome to Arrival a clean and responsive landing page with maximum focus on your product, it’s features and benefits, product images plus a fully working (and validating) newsletter signup form along with fully …

SIMPLEONE is fully responsive eCommerce html5, CSS3 & Bootstrap template for any kind of eCommerce store, it is easily usable with any device (Desktop, tablet, mobile phone…). We do not make any changes in …

If you are searching something different and out of the line, please check out the Dreamer – Responsive One Page Parallax Template. Dreamer is a fully configurable and easy to use one page parallax template with …

OrangeTheme is a HTML5 & CSS3 fully responsive layout. It’s a template suitable for restaurant / cafe / club / nightclub or personal blog. Our theme contains: – 14 precisely designed pages & …

This template was built with the popular Bootstrap framework from Twitter and has been styled in a modern flat design. It adapts seamlessly with any device such as tablets and mobile phones. You can use this …

You have Your desired, extraordinary, stunning, the one product? Let me present You the perfect way to sell it dear human. Put it into spotlight with Sparkle newsletter! I made Your product look spectacular …

Visual Composer for WordPress will save you tons of time working on the site content. Now you’ll be able to create complex layouts within minutes! Works with any post type… Yes, custom post types works …

DreamLife is 100% Responsive HTML Template. Perfect for your personal or commercial works. I think this is a multi-purpose template. You can easily change colors and font types. This theme can be faster editing. …

MiniBuzz is a simple, clean and minimalist business wordpress theme suitable for business, portfolio, company and corporate. This theme can also be used for personal or blog site. This theme is easy to use …