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Felis - Themeforest Flexible & Multipurpose WP Theme

Felis WordPress Theme is a modern with Web 2.0 look&feel for Business Companies around a modern, sleek, two-color design is packed with tons of styles and features. All areas are wigitized, so customization is a breeze. 16 000 000 colors by built-in Colorpicker is for making it easy for you setup your website the way you want it to look. Multiple slider options, Cufon font replacement, custom post options, custom widgets, shortcodes and an easy-to-use admin panel makes building a powerful, fully-customized website quite simple. If you are looking for a sleek and professional high quality theme, Felis is for you. Felis WordPress Theme ends a parks-and-rec feel to your blog with strong, easy typefaces, beautiful image-slider showcases and a very traversable layout. The great combination of light color schemes creates an elegant and high visual impact experience, either you use this for photography, commercial business or small informational websites.

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