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Blitz - Responsive & Unique Wordpress Theme

**Blitz is a responsive & unique fullscreen portfolio for artists, photographers, agencies, you name it. If you want to showcase your portfolio in a unique way, then GET THIS THEME !**

Blitz is a responsive & unique fullscreen portfolio for artists, photographers, agencies, you name it. If you want to showcase your portfolio in a unique way, then GET THIS THEME !


  • Fullscreen portfolio
  • 1-click complete demo import, no plugins required
  • Optional title, description and video for each photo
  • Youtube/Vimeo video support
  • Use arrow keys to navigate
  • Ajax Contact form with validation and mail-send
  • Custom scroll bars
  • Auto updates via Envato API
  • Shortcode editor
  • Drag and drop gallery management
  • Localization ready, pot file included
  • Browser based help docs with annotated images & step by step instructions
  • Dedicated Support forum
  • Built on a full OOP , modular, load-on-demand, WordPress framework
  • Network install compatible
  • Supports child themes
  • Developed with WP_DEBUG and Debogger enabled

** NOTES ** This theme checks user-agent to detect mobile and tablet devices, therefore to test the theme’s layout on these devices always use the real hardware. Simply resizing the browser window will not give you an accurate result of how the theme works/displays on mobile devices.

WP developed by bitfade / . Design & HTML by . HTML version .

Demo URL:

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